In diesem Fall
Languages mostly work with the capacity they've been given - or rather - with the capacity they give to ideas. The only time languages start looking lacking, incomplete or unevolved is when translations are needed. The situation is similar to us homo sapiens watching back to the skulls of homo erectus and what we see is a "developing ancestor" with brain "not fully developed". Thus, we judge a different truly functional system with our standards. Come on, homo erectus didn't evolve to become us, its meaning of life was not to be a tool to create us.
Still, even if translations aren't needed, languages sometimes clearly show imperfections and gaps in their thought expression and diversity capabitilies. Here are some examples taken from the Finnish language.
I wrote a text that includes many examples of words with more than one meaning and have then translated the text in two different ways.
"Minun koirani!, huusi neiti nähdessään irlanninsetterinsä hyppäävän veteen. "Ei hätää, naapurini ui noutamaan koirasi!" lohdutti tapahtumaa vierestä seurannut rouva. "Näetkö hänet punaisessa paidassa? Hän näyttää tuovan koirasi rantaan".
This could text could mean
"My dog!, screamed a lady as she saw her Irish setter jumping into the water. "No worry, my neighbour is swimming to save your dog!" comforted a lady who had been watching the incident. "Do you see him in the red shirt? It seems he is briring your dog onto the shore".2) "My dogs!, screamed a lady as she saw her Irish setter jumping into the water. "No worry, my neighbour swam to save your dogs!" comforted a lady who had been watching the incident. "Do you see her in the read shirt? It seems she is bringing your dogs onto the shore".I guess some Indo-European-speakers find it disburbing not to know if the saviour was she or he. For Finns, that information apparently has never mattered too much.
For a Finn, English language too has some lacks. One of such words is jaksaa. In Swedish it's orka. It means a state where you're tired (mentally or physically) to do something or anything.
Mä en jaksa! = I don't have the energy to do it / I cannot do it.
But the translation is lacking. By using "have the energy to do sth" it gets too scientific. Jaksaa doesn't necesarily have a thing to do with energy. It was used well before people became aware of that field of physics. And the verb can is just too simple, besides, it also means the lack of ability.
As said in the beginning, all languages function in their own field and in their own environment where they are the perfect match. This leads to the question:
What consequences did colonialism have on people in Africa, Australia and the Americas when they were adviced or forced to speak a language that had evolved in a different environment? Honestly spoken, I would not be able to imagine that French or English was spoken in Finland. Red mailboxes along wintery, snowy, slippery roads in small villages with texts "Depardieu", "Costeau" or "Sarcossy".
Besondere Anickotäten
When in Norway, I used to begin most of my ice-breaking phrases with "I was just wondering..." Funny, but I'm still seriously wondering and observing the world, keeping some distance to the events themselves and trying to analyse the globe with rationality being aware of my limited capacity to do so. Thus, I decided to list a few things that I wonder very much. And now, please be careful with the word "wonder". Here is a risk of syntax error when I'm writing this so I shall start with a definition.
"wonder" and "not to understand" in this post mean "a sincere feeling of an open quesion mark, curiosity, open-mindedness, honest and pure will to find an answer of any kind, without any previous stand or opinion on the issue". They do not mean attemps to critisize or to judge.
So here we go.
#1. Hygiene. How can some people eat while working in the computer lab? Especially fruit, which they touch with same fingers as with which they type? How could this German lady that I saw in a bakery hold the bread in her gloves - the gloves she wears when driving a car, opening doors, handling with cash? How can parents let their babies lick the floor at Oslo Gardermoen international airport? I've seen a 8-month-old baby lying on the floor, laughing and "tasting" the floor with his tiny little tongue.
#2. Military. Why do Finnish men still accept the only obvious organization that divides people according to sex and sex only?
#3. Bus. How do the bus drivers control that I travel exactly the amount of kilometres that I paid for? Uno ejemplo. I'm buying a ticket from Gothenburg to Stockholm but "accidentally" fall asleep and "wake up" in Luleå, so that I've actually travelled double as long as I paid for. How does the bus driver control that I step off the bus where I should? Some told me the drivers remember, but I cannot believe in that either if the bus is full of people.
#4. Literature analysis. (Now careful with syntax...) I really want to know what the point is. I enjoy lit analysis but the point remains unclear.
#5. Eye glasses support. Eye glasses are essential for almost half of the population. Why doesn't the state support people wearing them, giving financial aid? Hmm... In Germany, I've heard, they actually do.
#6. Shoes. How can some people wear shoes inside their homes, even in their beds? How can they also put their shoes on the opposite seat in busses?
#7. Law. Lawyers, why do they need to take the "extreme" view in each case?
#8. Memorial. Why is a state-wide memorial organized for people who've died in natural disasters or as victims of some widely known military operation but not for individuals who die because of, say, an electrical shock when fixing the tv cabel?
#9. Monarchy. Why does it not sound too funny for people today?
#10. "Thin is bad". I've seen many commercials recently that state that "being thin is bad". As far as I've learned, being thin really is healthier. I've understood that human beings should be thin, since obecity is really a risk factor. I know that being skinny can be dangerous, too, but as far as I know, being thin really is something to aim for. I don't care about the beauty factors but really, human beings evolved to move and exercise and thus, to remain thin. So which is right, to hold this view, or to agree with people who state every size is good?
#11. TV permits. In Finland, (plus many other countries) people watching tv should pay 200 euros for it annually. So far, internet surfers don't need to pay a single euro for watching news, movies and short films online. That is, people who own tv and all they watch is news only, are 200 euros worse off than folks doing the same thing on internet.
Easy Peace
I don't own TV. Because that's the way, I also feel rather distant from the current world events. No matter how many newspapers I read, the message is never the same as on telly - it is gentler.
So, I watched TV yesterday after a long tv selibate and I must tell you that it wasn't easy. I've never been immune to wars, conflicts or natural disasters but really, the world is not doing very well! I know there are people who watch tv for hours and I believe some of them never feel any deep misery at all. We (humans) cannot feel sorry for everything, the information last is just too much, there is too much to care about. Still, news are superficial and cruel. How can they carry on, I wonder.
In my eyes, this is the very first time in my life that I see the world is really not doing ok. The world leaders seem to be talking on a truly different level than ordinary people. What's wrong with them? I really want to know. I don't believe any world leader is stupid, I'm sure many of them have been good students. So they're not stupid. Even George Bush. My stand is, it's not of use to underestimate him or to compare him to our close biological relatives. If he really was stupid, unintelligent, not smart, then I don't think I could blame him for his "mistakes". If I trust he is intelligent, then I can start arguing about his decisions. In my view, it would be wrong to accuse a mentally disabled "monkey" since if he really is, then what can he do about it? Obviously, we cannot affect our IQ.
So, what could I do with these intelligent world leaders who disagree with my views of world politics?
I started playing with the idea that maybe the marmory palaces and castles where decisions are made around a golden table are not the best circumstances for peace building. What if I invited all the world leaders to MY home instead! That would really drop them back to _reality_. I would offer them a cup of ordinary Lipton lemon tea, some Digestive cookies, maybe some fruit sallad and ask them to sit down on the coach. I would then have my notebook and a pencil and the world map poster that I bought in the summer. Then I would ask, if they want some more tea or perhaps some saft or orange juice. Would apologize I don't have any glasses yet since my student budget is so low, but would instead offer them juice in ceramic Kermansavi mugs. Would play a few pieces from the college CD and ask them what they think about my apartment. Then, I would talk about some usual things such as laundry and how much it costs to fix a bike in my city. And suddenly, in between all this ordinary talk, I would kindly ask them to stop all the wars and conflicts. I would assure them life could be so good and as stable as mine in Finland if they just stopped the game with weapons, soldiers and military operations.
Hm. I have such strong sense that would really work out. People become peace lovers when the circumstances are right for them. That could be any ordinary home, of course, I just hope someone would try this idea.
...and then this:
A dear child has many names, so has Sweden. For Finns, the country is RUOTSI. Stockholm is TUKHOLMA, Umeå UUMAJA, Luleå LUULAJA, Uppsala UPSALA, king Carl Gustaf KAARLE KUSTAA. It's not hard to draw the conclusion we've been there more than once. Working, shopping, exploring, travelling, just 'observing' the wealthy kingdom.
I thought to write a few lines about Sweden. This week, I spent a few days on the western coast of Finland in a Swedish-speaking region. In a Swedish-speaking region. What does the expression "Swedish-speaking region" indicate to following people:
a)a statistician
b)a doctor
c)a Finnish-speaking guy living in a Savonian village in Eastern Finland
d)for the people living in the Swedish-speaking region themselves?
For a), it means statistically healthier people, higher life expectancy, slightly (one might argue about this) wealthier families, lower population flow from this region to other regions inside the country.
For b), it means, again, healthier people, and more specifically, for psychiatrists, less work due to the strong social network of the people. It means elder patients since they simply live longer - and of course, the need to take a very hard state-regulated exam on Swedish language in order to be employed in the region.
For c), it means a region completely unknown, lots of speculations about rich elite and unfair division of tax payers' money. It means "pakkoruotsi" - the compulsory Swedish courses in secondary and upper secondary school, complains, envy and feel of being inferior. (Actually, inferiorism compared to any nation west of Finland...)
For d), it means... I dunno what it means! All I can say is what I've observed: a more joyful attitude, strong social network, open mentality, love of (Baltic) sea, singing together, big family trees, lack of Slavic menthality.
The Swedish-speaking region(s) of Finland are not Sweden but they are the closest Finns can get to be Swedes. THIS IS MY OPINION, based on statistics.
Then, why would we aim for being (like) Swedes? And do we?
Well, it's easy to say we do. If the question is set as "If not born in Finland, then in which country...". For Finns, though occasionally hard to admit, Sweden is the closest we can get. The most natural option for a new home. A stable option with no drama or insecurity. Long live the word "hyggligt"! Role model indeed - it's still common to wait a few years until Swedes judge a new system or rule and then to copy it if successful.
Ruotsi cultivates many opinions among Finns. Many emotions, depending on when you ask them. Sweden is interesting and I don't know how they do that - being so close and still so different at the same time.
How do Swedes differ from Finns? Physically, I can tell the difference -- sometimes. We do look different. With most people, I could never tell the difference but with some, I can with certainty tell they're Swedes - or rather - that they are not Finns. I know this might sound strange to, say, Asians, but I also agree with Yumiko who told me Chinese and Japanese look different. Most of them really do, and (even) I can see the difference. I tried to find a typical Swede on google to illustrate what I mean but it turned out to be hard. So, just believe me when I support my argument by telling that Finland was inhabited by some 1,000 only ancestors who are the genetic great-grandparents of 99% of us. The rest is a mild mingle mingle with some random Scandinavian encounters now and then but that hasn't made the phenotype identific with our western neighbour. Yet.
There is one more thing I shall mention about SVERIGE. They have the third largest industry of the field in Europe and they are incredibly good at it. Svensk musik.
Eller borde jag säga, Den Svenska Musiken. Swedish bands are the masters of catchy tunes and what ever they compose, that sells. I strongly assume many of these pop ballades and other master pieces have been strategically calculated and coldly created to fill the radio stations, but they have the talent. If you then happen to like the 80's, your way leads to Sweden and Sweden only. They are so good that Madonna wrote a letter to Ulvaeus and Andersson and kindly asked if she could use a part of "Gimme gimme gimme" in one of her pop songs, the Hung Up.
Sweden is an easy neighbour to live with. If you've got trouble, you can ask her for favour, ask for a piece of advice. Sweden is a stable country, as mentioned earlier, and it has its advantages. Safe, joyful, punctual, functioning, rational, diverse yet familiar. As long as we don't talk about ice hockey, the relationship is really very special. Och nu ska jag sluta med det här, allt för mycket om Sverige på en gång!
Mentalität von Bochum bis zum menschlichen Stamm
Das ist zum ersten mal, dass ich ein Lied hier darstellen will. Es geht darum, dass die Philosophie der Intentionen mir besonders lieb ist:
Das Leben soll pur sein
Lieb und sinnvoll
Natürlich, impulsiv, tief und froh
Ein Blick hinterher nicht für Moralisieren
Keine strenge soziale Regeln
Der Stamm des Leben des Menschen - Freiheit
So sagt Grönemeyer über das Thema:
Herbert Grönemeyer - der MenschMomentan ist richtig
Momentan ist gut
Nichts ist wirklich wichtig
Nach der Ebbe kommt die Flut
Am Strand des Lebens
Ohne Grund, ohne Verstand
Ist nichts vergebens
Ich bau die Träume auf den Sand
Und es ist, es ist ok
Alles auf dem weg
Und es ist Sonnenzeit
Unbeschwert und frei Und der Mensch heißt Mensch
Weil er vergisst
Weil er verdrängtUnd weil er schwärmt und stählt
Weil er wärmt, wenn er erzählt
Und weil er lacht
Weil er lebt
Du fehlst
Das Firmament hat geöffnet
Wolkenlos und ozeanblau
Telefon, Gas, Elektrik
Unbezahlt und das geht auch
Teil mit mir deinen Frieden
Wenn auch nur geborgt
Ich will nicht deine Liebe
Ich will nur dein Wort
Und es ist, es ist ok
Alles auf dem Weg
Und es ist Sonnenzeit
Ungetrübt und leicht
Und der Mensch heißt Mensch
Weil er irrt und weil er kämpft
Und weil er hofft und liebt
Und weil er mitfühlt und vergibt
Und weil er lacht
Und weil er lebt
Du fehlst
Oh, weil er lacht
Weil er lebt
Du fehlst
Es ist, es ist ok
Alles auf dem Weg
Und es ist Sonnenzeit
Ungetrübt und leicht
Und der Mensch heißt Mensch
Weil er vergisst
Weil er verdrängt
Und weil er schwärmt und glaubt
Sich anlehnt und vertraut
Und weil er lacht
Und weil er lebt
Du fehlst
Oh, es ist schon ok
Es tut gleichmäßig weh
Es ist Sonnenzeit
Ohne Plan, ohne Geleit
Der Mensch heißt Mensch
Weil er erinnert, weil er kämpft
Und weil er hofft und liebt
Weil er mitfühlt und vergibt
Und weil er lacht
Und weil er lebt
Du fehlst
Oh, weil er lacht
Weil er lebt
Du fehlst
On the spirit of places
What is it that makes me feel home here, not there? Down there, not further there? By the waters, bay by my side? North along the coast, but never down the same shore?
Up that hill with a view over the waters, reluctant to choose the new suburb that attracts others?
Is there a spirit of places? Is a tree a tree everywhere? Is the sunlight same all around the globe? Tizi said, the dawn isn't sunset, I know he's right. Ray over the sky, halo whatever they call it, reflects the spirit of the place.
On the spirit of places I argue, searching for a home. Listen to people - where's a cinema, a shopping mall, McDonald's, they're at home. On the spirit of places - an avoided topic, won't sell, won't tell. Go to the apartment bureau, won't ring a bell.
I think there is a spirit of places, it's the different eyes on similar faces.
Feeling home here, feeling home far from here, but alas! not between here and there.
Love one city, foreigner in another, no matter how long have I lived in the latter. Feel this is home, and there's home down there, having a blast - don't know, I don't care. ... ... curious to know what defines home, the same stores, boutiques, the same thunder tone. Rain feels softer though it sure isn't any other, view along the sky, where thoughts carelessly fly. These places keep coming, all around the world. Travelling home, the name never heard.
You wanna know where I've found mine. It's an endless list, so far filled with Prag, Bonn, and Heim.