Saturday, October 21, 2006

Easy Peace

I don't own TV. Because that's the way, I also feel rather distant from the current world events. No matter how many newspapers I read, the message is never the same as on telly - it is gentler.
So, I watched TV yesterday after a long tv selibate and I must tell you that it wasn't easy. I've never been immune to wars, conflicts or natural disasters but really, the world is not doing very well! I know there are people who watch tv for hours and I believe some of them never feel any deep misery at all. We (humans) cannot feel sorry for everything, the information last is just too much, there is too much to care about. Still, news are superficial and cruel. How can they carry on, I wonder.
In my eyes, this is the very first time in my life that I see the world is really not doing ok. The world leaders seem to be talking on a truly different level than ordinary people. What's wrong with them? I really want to know. I don't believe any world leader is stupid, I'm sure many of them have been good students. So they're not stupid. Even George Bush. My stand is, it's not of use to underestimate him or to compare him to our close biological relatives. If he really was stupid, unintelligent, not smart, then I don't think I could blame him for his "mistakes". If I trust he is intelligent, then I can start arguing about his decisions. In my view, it would be wrong to accuse a mentally disabled "monkey" since if he really is, then what can he do about it? Obviously, we cannot affect our IQ.

So, what could I do with these intelligent world leaders who disagree with my views of world politics?

I started playing with the idea that maybe the marmory palaces and castles where decisions are made around a golden table are not the best circumstances for peace building. What if I invited all the world leaders to MY home instead! That would really drop them back to _reality_. I would offer them a cup of ordinary Lipton lemon tea, some Digestive cookies, maybe some fruit sallad and ask them to sit down on the coach. I would then have my notebook and a pencil and the world map poster that I bought in the summer. Then I would ask, if they want some more tea or perhaps some saft or orange juice. Would apologize I don't have any glasses yet since my student budget is so low, but would instead offer them juice in ceramic Kermansavi mugs. Would play a few pieces from the college CD and ask them what they think about my apartment. Then, I would talk about some usual things such as laundry and how much it costs to fix a bike in my city. And suddenly, in between all this ordinary talk, I would kindly ask them to stop all the wars and conflicts. I would assure them life could be so good and as stable as mine in Finland if they just stopped the game with weapons, soldiers and military operations.

Hm. I have such strong sense that would really work out. People become peace lovers when the circumstances are right for them. That could be any ordinary home, of course, I just hope someone would try this idea.


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